Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Does our system of democratic election work?

Through their right of suffrage, the people exercise their sovereign power over government. If things are not going right, they can throw one set of interests out and elect another that promises a revision of the course that government has taken. - Thomas Jefferson to Spencer Roane, 1819.


  1. Democracy is a beautiful thing, but it seems the mighty buck taints the system.

  2. our system of democratic election dose work because they have the power to throw out old intreasts and come up with new ones to elvlove.

  3. I think that it depends on how much money you have. If you have enough you can get a way with murder.

  4. yes i feel it does work as long as the people use it correctly

  5. money always wins in this sad country if you want to get political!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Well the people have the the power to impeach, but not used often.

  7. Yes, I do believe that it does work at times. Although there are people that abuse the system.

  8. im unsure it seems like people with money have it all

  9. I am unable to share my opinion on this matter because I know pretty much nothing about politics.

  10. The democratic system has and can work. It has worked for the last 200 years and is the best one on the planet . When people go in and try to bend policies to suite their needs that's when things start to go wrong. The beauty of our democratic system is that when things are going wrong the people have the ability to change them and set a new course.

  11. It does allow us the freedom to oust those whom are not representing the people's best interest, but the process takes time and the damages already done. WE THE PEOPLE are not really in control as much as we are lead to beleive.

  12. It works, although it would be a lot better and people would actually see results if so much corruption did not exist.

  13. Candis Coca

    I believe it does work to a certain extent, we can vote for someone who will represent our best interest, however it seems that we still don't have much control over the process or the outcome.
